Struggle Bus: Day 72 Set List

Written by on February 24, 2025

This is the set list for Struggle Bus: Day 72 which originally aired on February 24, 2025 and can be heard here.

  1. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome To Tortuga; Songs and Curses
  2. Marooned: South Australia; Lost at Sea
  3. Penny Opry: Bonnie Highland Laddie; Alluvium
  4. Madman’s Window: Sam Hall; Avast!
  5. The Jolly Rogers: Barrett’s Privateers; Pirates Evermore
  6. Shanghai Brown & The Sweet Trade (There Be Pirates!): All for Me Grog; Drink & the Devil
  7. RustMonster: Devil’s Children; Last Voyage of the Black Betty
  8. Old Man Flanagan’s Ghost: All Ships Away; Simple Little Boat
  9. The Pyrettes: Calico Jack; Sea Fever
  10. Truly Carmichael: Dominion of the Sword
  11. sämäs: Gaian Pulse; An Ancient Calling
  12. Port O’Thority: Heart in a Jar; Hooke, Line, & Sink Her
  13. Master Bones Jangle and The Voodoo Island Cannibals: Johnny Jump Up; Lots O’ Booty
  14. Rover’s Way: Caledonia; The Journey
  15. Bounding Main: The Mermaid; Maiden Voyage
  16. The Crimson Pirates: Health to the Company; That’s So Sad …
  17. Pride of Bedlam: Heave Away; Boarding Party

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