Author: jackgonzo

Page: 112

This is the set list for Episode 185: Wassail The Ports which originally aired on December 12, 2018 and can be heard here. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome To Tortuga; Songs and Curses Toucan Pirates: Maggie In the Woods (polka); Buried Treasure of the Toucan Pirates B.O.N.E.S.: Bully in the Alley; 10 Pieces of Eight The […]

This is the set list for Episode 184: Dpankles & Fuckles on Krampusnacht which originally aired on December 5, 2018 and can be heard here. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome To Tortuga; Songs and Curses Motley Tones: Kellswater; Motley Tones (Somewhat) [Live] Capt’n Black’s Sea Dogs: General Taylor; Capt’n. Black’s Sea Dogges Pyrates!: Ocean Waves May […]

Penny Opry is a two woman band that I had the pleasure of seeing at the Northern California Pirate Festival that I took far too long getting on the show. To be fair though I’m not sure there is any other albums out there, at least online for Opry so we’ll just go with I was merely waiting […]

Kraken-Whacker is the second album from the group Quartermaster, an all male band who sings in 3 part harmony. You might think they are an A Cappella group but nay they do use a concertina, a bass and a mandolin. They are ever so much fun live as you can tell they are all quite enjoying […]

This is the set list for Episode 183: A Pat Razket Visitation which originally aired on November 28, 2018 and can be heard here. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome To Tortuga; Songs and Curses The Galley Rats: The Frigate Niobe; The Galley Rats Pat Razket: My Love for Thee; Deeds & Debts Scott Jeffers Traveler: Pirate […]

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