Author: jackgonzo
Page: 151
This is the set list for Episode 10 v.3: Rum Lover Redux which aired (finally) on August 27, 2015. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Skip Henderson: Blood and Gold on Loaded to the Gunwales: Benefit For the Colonial Seaport Foundation The Barley Boys: Captain Grog on It’s a Long Drive […]
This is the set list for Episode 9: The Man With The Golden Rum from August 19, 2015. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Salty Dick: Johnny Come Down to Hilo on Salty Dick’s Uncensored Sailor Songs The Barley Boys: Sea Fairin’ Man on The Days of Abundance Rum Rebellion: Boots […]
This is the set list for Episode 8: Long Live the Knife Fighters on August 10, 2015. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Sunken Chest: Ramming Speed on Sunken Chest O’Craven: Devil’s Drink on Whiskey, Wenches and Scallywags The Pirates Charles: Gun on Conquer Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew: Broadside […]
Here is the set list for Episode 7: Huzzah for the Foxtrot from August 5, 2015. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Below the Gaff: Galway Girl on Still Lost at Sea B.O.N.E.S.: Santianno on 10 Pieces of Eight Bounding Main: Blow Liza Blow on Going Overboard Storm Weather Shanty Choir: […]
Here is the set list for Episode 6: Vane Lives on July 29, 2015 Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses The Pirate Flags: Get Up Jack on Songs of the Seas The Poxy Boggards: I’d Rather Be Sailing on Anchor Management Jim Hancock and the Burly Pyrates: The Ballad of William […]