Author: jackgonzo

Page: 153

Episode 2: Piratical Boogaloo July 1, 2015 Set List Welcome to Tortuga by Ye Banished Privateers on Songs and Curses Scourge of the Seven Seas by Musical Blades on Up the Ante Ranzo Ray by The Bilge Pumps on The Idiodyssey Calico Jack by The Pyrettes on Sea Fever Pirate Song by Capt. Bones and […]

Here is the set list for the first show! Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga from Songs and Curses Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew: Broadside from Rimes of Hip Hop Mariners There Be Pirates!: The Bonnie Ship the Diamond from Drink & the Devil Capt’n Black’s Sea Dogs: ‘Neath the Waves from Tales of […]

The very first episode of Scoundrel’s Inn hits the net tomorrow night. Remember to click the radio link above (hopefully the widget works) or go to the show’s Spreaker page. There is chat capability on that page so that we can all talk amongst ourselves during the show. See everyone tomorrow night!

Thank you to The Merry Wives of Windsor and Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew  They were the first two acts to get back to us giving us permission to their works! With more expected in the next few days we will most definitely be having our inaugural show this coming Wednesday!

Pay no heed to these drab governmental colors, we be updating as quickly as the swabbies move. But this will be a place to listen to some pirate music, hopefully discover new pirate music from all over the world and maybe even discuss some pirate events, merchandise, etc. As I work on the page I […]

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