Episode Setlist
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Here is the set list for Episode 6: Vane Lives on July 29, 2015 Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses The Pirate Flags: Get Up Jack on Songs of the Seas The Poxy Boggards: I’d Rather Be Sailing on Anchor Management Jim Hancock and the Burly Pyrates: The Ballad of William […]
July 22, 2015 Episode 5: The Rum Frontier Set List Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Motley Tones: Bonnie Ship The Diamond on By Land and By Sea Pierce Campbell: The Irish Rover on Songs of the Drink, Songs of the Sea The Whiskey Bards: Great To Be A Pirate on […]
Episode 2: Piratical Boogaloo July 1, 2015 Set List Welcome to Tortuga by Ye Banished Privateers on Songs and Curses Scourge of the Seven Seas by Musical Blades on Up the Ante Ranzo Ray by The Bilge Pumps on The Idiodyssey Calico Jack by The Pyrettes on Sea Fever Pirate Song by Capt. Bones and […]
Here is the set list for the first show! Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga from Songs and Curses Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew: Broadside from Rimes of Hip Hop Mariners There Be Pirates!: The Bonnie Ship the Diamond from Drink & the Devil Capt’n Black’s Sea Dogs: ‘Neath the Waves from Tales of […]