2018 Year End Awards Part 2

Written by on January 1, 2019

We now come to the end of the 2018 awards season, Album of the Year and Band of the Year and one final host award. A reminder how we determine album of the year; whenever I review an album each song is given a score and at the end we get the average. Being the analytics kind of guy that I am Album of the Year goes to the album with the highest score.

“The Debt” was one of my favorite new and original songs this year. Lyrically I think it just gets us as they say. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will stay in the end you reap what you so will stay in your head for long after listening and really emphasizes that pirate life. It is easily my favorite lyrics that came out this year and as such I thought it deserved some special recognition.

As mentioned above how we determine who wins album of the year is based on scores. Both Resurrection & Deeds & Debts had the exact same score. I thought about devising a tie-breaker but as I looked at everything I just couldn’t come to a system that worked for me. Both albums are fantastic and completely different than the other. If you want that piratecore/celtic rock sound you have O’Craven. If you’re looking for the Neo-traditional Euro sound you have Pat Razket. There is something for everyone and are highly suggested that you get yourselves a copy; but knowing that you’re good Black Strap Buccaneers you already have. In my opinion the top songs on each album are as follows:
Resurrection: Skull & Bones, Banshee, Davey Jones Mist & Skallywags
Deeds & Debts: The Debt, Hangman’s Noose, Drink My Way to Heaven, A Cursed Night in April & My Love For Thee

For the second straight year a member of the Swedish Pirate Armada has won Band of the Year & Album of the Year. Pat Razket is really starting to come into their own, something we saw glimpses of last year. Black Sails and Recruiting Day were fantastic singles and laid the ground work for Deeds & Debts. They have played in numerous countries and even joined us in the chat room one evening for some morgonkaffe. The Swedish Pirate Armada has something special brewing and we’re very excited to see what the future holds. If history teaches us anything, Stormfrun is in for a big 2019.

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