Author: jackgonzo
Page: 111
We now come to the end of the 2018 awards season, Album of the Year and Band of the Year and one final host award. A reminder how we determine album of the year; whenever I review an album each song is given a score and at the end we get the average. Being the […]
We’ve had our lists now it is time for some individual awards. A reminder that to be eligible for these awards these songs had to be released in 2018. She Shanties’ 2018 album Futtock Shrouds cemented their distinction as one of the top, if not the top, a cappella bands in the pirate community and the […]
We began late last year by doing a monthly Top Ten show each month that was voted by you, our listeners. We asked you to vote for the songs you were listening to the most, right now. These were not your all time favorite songs, there’d be no point in having a Top Ten every […]
To begin our 2018 awards season we present to you our favorite new songs of the year. Last year we thought about how to present this and determined why not mock that series of CDs, so the creation of Y’ARR That Be What I Call Shanties is born. There is no real album, though you […]
This is the set list for Episode 186: Tortuga Holiday Regional Extravaganza which originally aired on December 19, 2018 and can be heard here. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome To Tortuga; Songs and Curses Bawdy Buccaneers: Privateers Turning to Piracy; From Here To There Motley Tones: Do-Re-Me of Beer; By Land and By Sea Cat O’ […]