Author: jackgonzo
Page: 152
July 22, 2015 Episode 5: The Rum Frontier Set List Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Motley Tones: Bonnie Ship The Diamond on By Land and By Sea Pierce Campbell: The Irish Rover on Songs of the Drink, Songs of the Sea The Whiskey Bards: Great To Be A Pirate on […]
Here is the set list for Episode 4 on July 15, 2015. Ye Banished Privateers: Welcome to Tortuga on Songs and Curses Storm Weather Shanty Choir: Hieland Laddie on Way Hey (And Away We’ll Go) Bilgerats & Pyrettes (as The BOOM): It’s Another Day on Prepare To Be Boarded Pride of Bedlam: Johnny Jump Up […]
Here is the set list for Episode 3 on July 8, 2015 The Pirates Charles: Gun on Conquer O’Craven: Devil’s Drink on Whiskey, Wenches and Scallywags Five Pint Mary: Gang to Me Boys on Five Pint Mary Musical Blades: Salute the Skull and Crossbones on Pieces of Eight B.O.N.E.S.: Running Down To Cuba on […]
Margot Productions is one the of the most involved crews you can find. They have not one, not two, not three but at least four different pirate related businesses in operation. The owners/managers are Margot la Mechante de Marseilles and Luc the Lucky who are both Lords in the Order of Leviathan. That alone gets […]
Hello kiddies, the contest has now come to the finalist phase where you our scallywags get to help choose a victor! Just head over and make your opinion known! The quicker we finish this contest the quicker we can get some promo material made up, maybe get some stuff made in time for Space City […]